... since 1997 on the roads of Europe and Asia ...


Address: LogisticTimeSystem
Sagehorner Dorfstraße 76a
D 28876 Oyten
Phone: +49 (4207) 667649
Facsimile: +49 (4207) 688930
E-Mail: office[at]lts-logistic.de
Homepage: www.LTS-Logistic.de
Owner: Maria Lisakowski
Registration: GewA1, Gemeinde Oyten on 2004.01.16
VAT-Number: DE-196937511
Tax-Number: 2348 048 127 02444 Finanzamt Verden
Bank's connection:

Deutsche Bank, Bremen-Schwachhausen
Maria Lisakowski

Kontonummer. 3405461 BLZ 290 700 24
IBAN DE32 290 700 3405461 00

§ 6 MDStV,
responsible for content:
Maria Lisakowski
Legal notice
According § 28 BDSG:
 This Site may contain links to other Web sites operated by third parties. For the content of these external links we do not take responsibility.
All data are without guarantee, all rights reserved.


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Content and structure of the www.LTS-Logistic.dee Websites are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved.

Content of the Websites

LTS LogisticTimeSystem scrutinises and updates their Website content on a regular basis. This does not preclude the possibility of errors, however. 
LTS LogisticTimeSystem assumes no responsibility or guarantee for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information presented at their Websites.

Third party information

Links to third party information providers are regarded as information for students, academics and researchers.
LTS LogisticTimeSystem assumes no responsibility for the contents of external Websites that may be accessed through links presented on their pages.


Status: Januar 2016

We operate exclusively in accordance with the latest version of the Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen - ADSp -
(German Freight-Forwarders' General Terms and Conditions). 
These limit in clause 23 ADSp the legal liability for damage to goods in case of damage to goods whilst in the care of a forwarder to € 5/kg, in accordance with Art. 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB); in case of multimodal transports including sea transport to 2 SDR/kg. In addition the liability is limited to € 1 Million per dam-age respectively to € 2 Million per event or 2 SDR/kg whichever is the greater. The parties agree subsidiary, that (1) clause 27 ADSp does neither extend the liability nor the responsibility of the forwarder for agents, servants, employees or crewmembers beyond legal regulations as Art. 507 HGB, Art. 25 MC, Art. 36 CIM, Art. 20, 21 CMNI for the benefit of the principal, (2) the freight forwarder as a sea carrier is only liable for fault of his own part in case of risks provided in Art. 512 paragraph 2 no. 1 HGB such as default in navigation of the ship or fire on board and (3) the freight forwarder as a carrier defined in CMNI is relieved of liability in compliance with the requirements provided in Art. 25 paragraph 2 CMNI such as default in navigation of the ship, fire on board or defects of vessel.